Revised (2010) Syllabus of CAIIB: Candidates to the new CAIIB exam will have to write two compulsory papers and one optional paper. The list of compulsory papers and elective papers are given below. Among the 11 elective papers the candidate will have chose any one elective paper.
Advanced Bank Management
Bank Financial Management
2. OPTIONAL PAPERS (Select one)
Corporate Banking
Rural Banking
International Banking
Retail Banking
Co-operative Banking
Financial Advising
Human Resources Management
Information Technology
Risk Management
Central Banking
Treasury Management
The details of the syllabus and course content, examination rules : Click Here
January 2011 Exam of CAIIB
The revised syllabus is being introduced from Dec 2010/Jan2011 examination.
Therefore both (a) Candidates enrolling first time for the CAIIB examination and (b) candidates who desire to re-enroll for CAIIB examination i.e. after having availed four (4) permissible consecutive attempts and not completing examination will have to submit their applications under the Revised (2010) Syllabus. These candidates cannot apply for the examination under previous syllabus. In fact the institute will not accept any new application under the old pattern. Accordingly the old pattern examination will cease to exist after Dec 2011.
It is recommended that candidates who had enrolled for CAIIB for December 2009 examination and have completed two attempts in the CAIIB examination as of June 2010 without passing any paper so far may consider applying under the new syllabus instead of enrolling for 2nd block of 2 attempts under the old syllabus.
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